Sunday, July 27, 2008

Out for the garbo. Giant hassle bear.

Walking home yesterday someone had this out for rubbish. Don't blame them. You can't give that sort of shit away, too much of a hassle.

Blast from the past...

A photo our Aunty Lorraine found and gave to my dad a few days ago. What a gold discovery! I remember this, pushing Marie around in that wagon pretending she was a baby. She had it worked out though, she be cruising in comfort there. Also, I don't think they could have made the Glenelg Primary School logo on my windcheater any bigger if they tried. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

maria forde

I found this image and it reminded me so much of Marie's style. Very cute. More over at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heart attack Tuesday

A moment where my heart jumped into my throat and my jaw hit the desk – my boss had gone to the scanner and pulled out a drawing that was sitting inside, for a second, I thought it was one of my Tater cartoons that I had scanned. I jumped out of my chair and ran over to grab it out of her hand. As I dashed my way across the room, my job flashed before my eyes and I thought to myself "How the hell am I going to explain this one?!". Turned out to be a drawing one of the other girls had done. Then I remembered I didn't scan those ones at work, I did the Tater ones at home. Phew!! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Become a respectable Gangsta

G's to Gents - New to MTV.
Watching these G's shed their grills, shave their mohawks, lay down their 40s and forget all those four-letter words is a guaranteed good time. But this isn't just a life lesson; this is a competition -- one that's worth $100,000. In the end, only one will graduate from G to gent. Who will it be?

I wish they'd make a show like this for girls.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Go with the Flow

Click image to enlarge.

I have a fan

This was a fan I picked up at a junk shop in Strathalbyn for $20. Dad helped me clean it up like new and it works. Sweet! (click on image for a closer look)

How Diddy gets di ladies

How's those almonds?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fool your friends

Ho'made Goodness

Everyone loves Ho'made Sausage

Bea is kind of a skank..

Thanks to Cathy for this find.