Sunday, July 27, 2008

Out for the garbo. Giant hassle bear.

Walking home yesterday someone had this out for rubbish. Don't blame them. You can't give that sort of shit away, too much of a hassle.


Cathy said...

The poor thing resting there, waiting for the garbage truck to come and take him to the tip. He is all ready with his little garbage pillow.
When he gets to the tip, he will push his way to the top of the rubbish, and walk off into the sunset with his pillow *wipes a tear*.

This is so sad!

K said...

Aww. Poor little guy.
I heard David Strassman was doing his last 'Ted-E-Bear' tour, but I didn't think it would end like this.

Marie said...

Wasn't SUPERTED from the rubbish? Or was he a factory reject?

K said...

Hey yeah, you're right!
"Every episode starts with the tale of how SuperTed came to life: He was a teddy bear found to be defective in the toy factory where he was made, and then disposed of into a storeroom in the basement. A Spotty man found him there and brought him to life with his "cosmic dust". He was later taken to Mother Nature and given magical powers that enabled him to fight evil."

I love wikipedia. and cosmic dust.