Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You have a copy of this, don't you Cathy?


Cathy said...

Two questions...
1. Where did you get this?
2. Why the hell don't I have a copy already???

Marie said...

From the author of "If God Loves Me" and "Why can't I get My Locker Open?" WFT?!

Unknown said...

haha no, it's the author of "If God Loves Me, Why Can't I Get My Locker Open?"

If god loved you, you would be able to.

She has other great titles including:
"Trying to Get Toothpaste Back into the Tube: Making Choices You Don't Have to Undo"

"If the Devil "Made" You Do It, You Blew It! (But It Doesn't Need to Happen Again)"